Children’s Massage in Community and Schools Program

The Children’s Massage in Community and Schools is a program that involves children 4-12 years old. Its aim is to promote relationships between children, parents and children and families with the by-product being beneficial to the community as a whole.

There has been significant research into the benefits of nurturing touch. Touch is the first sense experienced in the womb and the last to be experienced in life. It is vital to human development….emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Someone deprived of touch will show failure to thrive as a baby and the effects of this will continue into childhood and beyond. (A major reason why I love teaching infant massage!)

There has been so much aversion to touch because of the fear of paedophilia. The concern of the risks of abuse is very real and understandable. What is wonderful about this program is that it teaches the child the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch so they will know the difference between the positive and negative.

This is empowering for the child and it can equip them to be able to avoid situations where adults will approach them with inappropriate sexual intentions .

The Routine

The founders of this program are Mia Elmaster from Sweden and Sylvie Hetu from Canada. They are both Infant Massage Instructors who saw the need to expand the infant program to older children in order to support parents and families and education. It has been introduced in ,schools worldwide with huge success, hence it is predominantly known as the Massage in Schools Program.

The routine was put together in a flowing movement that also incorporates the development of motor skills. It has a holistic approach to the child’s age appropriateness to learning.

Key Points of the routine

  • Only children massage each other or a parent can massage their own child or vice versa. At no point does another adult massage a child, including the instructor.
  • Children are massaged with their clothes on and is only seated massage. The children have the opportunity to converse with each other, eg. To ask if the massage pressure is ok. This helps establish a relationship.
  • Permission is always asked and any child has the right to say “no”. They have the opportunity to the watch the massage and the benefits of oxytocin released still occurs with the child watching as well as the one massaging and receiving. Every child has the opportunity to receive and give a massage.
  • Thanking the person who allows the person to massage them is encouraged. This helps build respect.
  • The strokes are easy and fun and are related to descriptive demonstration cards.
  • The routine usually runs over 3-5 weeks, meeting once a week, depending on the age of the child.  The session runs for 30 -45 minutes. An activity including touch and movement is also provided with a topic for discussion.
  • Three strokes are taught per week and then repeated in subsequent weeks. This can be condensed to five strokes per week for older children. There are 15 strokes in total. Children in this age bracket learn well with kinaesthetic learning.

Benefits of Children’s Massage Program

  • Children have the opportunity to learn and experience saying “yes” or “no” to touch and the massage. Permission is asked by the children to one another. Their right to say no is understood and respected. This enhances their self esteem and empowerment.
  • Reduction in cortisol and adrenalin and increase in oxytocin, melatonin and serotonin. This reduces stress and promotes relaxation and aids with sleep.
  • Children are more calmer and concentration is improved. Neurologically, there is a shift from the reactive part of the brain to the calmer part of the brain. This improves the environment for learning. An excellent idea is to be massaging at the start of the school day or before a significant event!
  • Behaviour improved between children, siblings and home environment
  • Reduction in bullying….better social relationships.
  • Improved relationships in the family and other groups that children are involved with
  • Been known to help children with special needs. The program can be adapted to suit their additional needs.
  • Children who have experienced the program have reported  the benefits and stated how much they look forward to it.

It is worth noting that children’s relationships will mirror their adult relationships. It is at this point of a child’s life that positiveness needs to be enhanced.

For further information and questions, please contact Angie on 0408 618 255 or email,