The use of hot and cold stones in massage has been around for centuries and exists in many cultures. It is well known for its physical and emotional healing properties as well as its deep relaxation benefits.

Contrast therapy allows the client to heal in different ways. It incorporates hot stones to deeply relax the body and bring blood to the surface. Cold stones allow for an anti-inflammatory effect helping to constrict blood vessels. The use of hot and cold acts as a pump to the lymphatic and circulatory systems and as a result this therapy helps to eliminate toxins from the body and enhances wellbeing.

Hot stones are made from basalt, volcanic rock which help to retain the heat. Cold stones are made from marble which helps to maintain the cold temperature.


Known benefits of Hot Stone Therapy:

  • Relaxation
  • Quickly eases muscle tension
  • Reduces pain
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Soothes joint stiffness
  • Helps decrease emotional stress
  • Eases arthritic and rheumatic conditions
  • Helps to ease tension headaches and menstrual pain
  • Creates a warming effect for the client


Known benefits of Cold Stone Therapy:

  • Decreases inflammation and swelling
  • Stimulates the nervous system
  • Eases sinus congestion and pain
  • Eases arthritic pain
  • Helps to decrease pain caused by strains and soft tissue injuries
  • Increases muscular tone


What to expect:

As with all our massage services, you will be interviewed and we will establish a massage tailored to your needs, whether it will be purely hot stone or contrasting stone massage.

During the massage, stones will be placed in certain areas that represent the energies and electromagnetic fields in our body. The design of these stones are structured according to the reason for your visit. We then work with hot and cold stones, massaging the areas that are required.

Our aim is for you to receive an overall relaxing and therapeutic experience! See our Services & Costs page for more details.