Role of the lymphatic system and lymphoedema
I recently attended a one day seminar on Lymphoedema therapy and the importance of maintaining a healthy and functional lymphatic system. The need for a good working lymphatic system became so obvious to me as the day progressed . Any oedema…or swelling in an area….involves the lymphatics. I was particularly thinking of myself as I experienced breast oedema after my lump removal for cancer and subsequent radiotherapy nearly 7 years ago. The oedema has mostly subsided but it did take a number of years for this to happen . It also made me question the functioning of my own lymphatic system and if the change in my diet and lifestyle has helped the shift of the swelling.
The lymphatic system is known as the sewage system of the body. It runs along side the circulatory system and picks up the excess fluid from the tissues that doesn’t get absorbed by the circulatory system. Once thought not to play an important role in the body, it is now recognized to be vital in getting rid of the body’s wastes and toxins.
It also has the function of helping to boost one’s immune system as it carries properties linked to a system that is healthy. It picks up bacteria and microbes and carries these to the lymph nodes for destruction.
So you can imagine that if the lymphatics is compromised in any way, toxins and infection will build up in the body. This leads to swelling , fluid and toxin build up which in turn can lead to fatigue , impaired thinking, mood alterations and disease.
The lymph, on its own, has little pressure in it so anything external given to facilitate its function is a bonus. This is where modalities like lymphatic drainage and massage are helpful. Boosting the lymphatic system to pump is essential. Exercise helps the lymph flow. as does our therapy Ionithermie which stimulates a lazy system to work efficiently.
Nutrition also plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy lymphatic and reduces the risk of the effects of toxins in the body. A diet high in acidity is known to exacerbate inflammation and encourages fluid build up. A diet higher in alkalinity has the opposite effect. So diets that encourage more fresh foods, high in greens as opposed to more processed and refined foods are preferable for dealing with fluid build up and toxicity in the body. I do believe that once I changed my diet to a healthy balance of acidic/ alkaline producing foods, my breast oedema decreased and I generally had a better sense of wellbeing.
It’s a good idea to keep the lymphatic healthy by maintaining a proper diet, exercise and decreasing the amount of toxins you let into your body. You owe that to yourself!